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My girl friend is an Alien 2 My girl friend is an Alien Are you ok I'm in hospital because I have allergies. There is nothing to do with her. You... You... why are you her Who asked you to get the reporters hereWell, I... Do you know if I didn't come here today, how bad you're gonna get yelled at? Can' t you use your brain? Can't you take good care of yourself? But you still came here, didn't you Do you know? I was expecting you yesterday. I thought you hated me again. I thought you were really unwilling to help me . Why are earthlings so weired? Why do you always cheat me Sometimes you make me happy, sometimes you let me down. I was afraid that something might happen to you, I was also afraid that you might be poisoned. Why do you always trouble me? Why do you always do that? I really wanna cry. But it seems like I don't have this function. Sorry. Thank you. It is... It is rain, right? It rains. It rains. Fang Leng. Fang Leng! Don't you like rain? This is the first time I see rain on the earth. Have I seen you before? Fang Leng. Fang Leng. What's wrong with you? What happened? Are you ok WhyWhat are you talking about? Why do you look so pale? Are you sick? Why I still know you? Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang. Are you ok Call Dr. Zhang. Let him come to my house as soon as possible. What? Ok. Dr. Zhang is not at home. He... He won't be back until tomorrow. Did that trouble you again? Well... Did you let her find out anything? No, not right. Did you still remember Xiaoqi This person? Yes, I still remember. I remember everything about her. Mr. Han. I seem to have recovered from my amnesia. That's so great. Well... Is Xiaoqi related to your recovery? Or when you suffer from amnesia, What happened? Have you ever thought of something was wrong? Except Xiaoqi, I can't think of other reasons. Future Mrs. Fang. You wake up! You must suffer a lot. Did you sleep well last night? Any dreams? Quickly come here and have some hot water. Please. Ms. Chai, When did you come back home? I saw the news on the internet that you and Mr. Fang clarified the rumor, and embraced each other. I hurried to come back home without a break. I redecorated here. It won't take so much time for our opening again. The redecoration you mean are just these photos? Wrong! These may be just photos in your eyes. But what it means to me is golden money. Our shop has these photos, has the warm hug of you and Mr. Fang It will soon becomes super popular. Xiaoqi. During my hardiest time you helped me, helped our shop. I will never forget your kindness. From now on, As long as I have food, I won't leave you in hungry. Why does it sound weird? Don't be so grateful. I mean it. Well. The deal is coming. 

Welcome! Mr. Fang. You're so early. Please come in. Ms. Chai promised that if you come to our restaurant , you can have the food for free. Did you have a good rest last night? Yeah, it's good. Have you eaten yet? I just wanted to get your lunch ready, I haven't had mine yet. I'm hungry. Do you have any plans today? Serving the tables. Good plan. If you don't have other things, I'll just ... I want to know what happened yesterday. Yesterday? You just brought me to the seaside, and hugged me. Seaside... Not only this, But something can change me. For example, on my body, some unspeakable changes happened. What do you mean? What have I done to you? Excuse me. This chair is a little dirty. Let me clean it for you. Sorry to interrupt. Just go on. Maybe because of the rain. Or... maybe something changed me. I don't think so. What is different on you? Forget it. Maybe it has nothing to do with you. You're leaving? Take care. We look forward to seeing you again. What's going on? Hey, Dad. My father often talked about you, and he said he will come to see you next time. That's great. That's nice. Auntie, you're getting more and more beautiful. Really? You look great! Oh, you are back. Xiaoxue came early this morning, and has waited for you for a long time. Who is she? Fang Leng, what's wrong with you? I just said some angry words. Don't be so serious. Xiaoxue, what's going on? Uncle, auntie, I'm sorry about it. I had a quarrel with Fang Leng the day before yesterday. I was so angry, and I said, we shall never see each other again. Even in front of others, we should pretend to be strangers. Well. I didn't think you'll take it so seriously. Fang Leng. Xiaoxue is just a girl. You need to have a talk. What's wrong with you? Sorry. It doesn't matter. Dad. We're going then. Ok. Drive carefully. Uncle, auntie. Bye. They're watching. Am I admitted by your parents? Just now, you said we had a quarrel before. If it's not about the quarrel, why don't you know me? Or... Do you get the amnesia just after one night? Mr. Han. I'll go to meet Dr. Zhang first. I want you to collect all the information about Jiang Xue from my data stock. This photo is the first time you met Jiang Xue, and was posted online. Take a look, do you still remember? No. Then, how about this one? No. The girl in this photo is the client you met last week. And this one is your female officer of the special secretariat. Now. Try your best to think back your recent experiences. Except Xiaoqi, do you remember other females? Only Xiaoqi. Then there must be only one explanation. She is the one you are looking for. What do you mean? Before that, I always ask you to get along with different people. I just want you to build a close relationship. To get recovery from the bad influence of your mother. We failed all the time before. But this time, I believe Xiaoqi. She can certainly help you. You mean we can try to be together? Yes. You see, You can't forget her. It tells us that she has special meaning to you. Though I don't know the reason, just take a look at present. She is the only one who is possible to cure you. Think it over. Finally, no delivery. I'm so happy. What do you think? Ms. Chai gives me so much money each time and asks me to take a rest. Xiaobu. You tell me. Am I a rich person now? Of course. On our planet, you are just a poor, frustrated,charmless talentless and low-class creature. I never thought you can be so popular on the earth. This is my first income. Tell me. What should I buy with the money? The females on the earth usually spend money on clothes. Clothes. Shoes. Shoes. And bags. Bags. Make up. And also food. Food. This one, for Fang Leng. Fang Lie's... just for myself is better. Hello. I got my salary. And bought a little present for you. I'll be at your company soon. Do you have time? No. Next time will be better. Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi! Anything happens? How do you ride the bike? Why do you come here? Are you all right? Yeah. How do you find me? You told me you are near my company. I just heard the sound of break on your phone. I thought something was wrong with you . Why didn't answer your phone? What happened? I just broke my phone. But I didn't think you care about me. True friend. Huh. Oh, well. The gift for you. Why it's so ugly? Give it back to me. Give it to me. Who is he? You don't need to care about who he is. Give it to me. I won't give it to you.Give it back to me. = Mr. Han = Mr. Fang, something's

wrong with Mr. Filner. What's going on? Mr. Filner arrived here in advance. What's more, What? Madam suddenly appeared. Nice to meet you, Mr. Filner. Today, I reprensent my son Fang Lie to meet you. It's my pleasure to meet Mr. Fang's mother. But I want to know where is Mr. Fang? He won't come. Let's just come to the point. My son didn't want to hold this art exhibition. It was all his brother's will. I come here today just want you to stay out of this. Please don't misunderstand us, Mr. Filner. Mr. Fang is on the way now, Mr. Filner. What 
should we do? Could something happen to Fang Lie's exhibition? It's all my fault to waste your time. It shouldn't blame you. It's my mistake. Go home by yourself. Be careful. Hey... Ok, I get it. Thanks. What did he say? Mr. Filner didn't answer my phone. He just let his assistance ask us one question. He asked does Fang Lie really want to hold this exhibition? Maybe I'll think of other ways. No, thanks. You already helped me a lot. Jiang Xue. Thank you. It has been a long time to hear you call me like this. If you really want to thank me, don't pretend you don't know me in front of others next time. Trust me. I want to remember you more than you do. Actually I... I still have things to handle. I'll thank you personally next time. Actually, I've known your secret for a long time. Mr. Fang. This time, How do you handle with the problem? I don't know. In the past, I thought as long as it's good for Xiaolie, I can do everything for him. Even against his own will, I don't care as well. But today, I was really puzzled by Mr. Filner's question. What did he ask? He wants to know Xiaolie's will. Do you think human can be forced to do something? Ordinary people... Maybe can. But Fang Lie, he is an exception. Maybe. Sometimes, It's difficult for me to control myself. She's not so important to me, but I will still leave my work to meet her. Don't go to company, to meet Xiaolie first. Ok. Brother. Didn't you go to meet Mr. Filner. Why come here? Let me in and tell you. One thing, I must ask you again here. What? If I give you another chance to choose. This exhibition, are you willing to hold? What's wrong with you? Just now, you told me to obey your instruction. Why you care about my thought now? Mr. Filner aborted the contract. Only you can change his mind now. I know, for being arranged by me for a long time, you must be tired of it. So I give you the chance to choose this time. If you want to give up, I won't bother you from now on. What if I don't want to give up. From I was very young till now, you always surpass me. Study, business, romantic relationship, whatever. Hard to see you give up this time, I want to be the winner. Ok. Three days. I only give you three days. During these days, you must finish one painting. After you finish that, I'll take you to meet Mr. Filner. Not gone yet? I made your work a huge mass. Could I feel at ease and just go back? What's going on? Not good. The exhibition may be canceled. But... It's me to make you late. I can't... I can't let him misunderstand you. I'll go to explain it . You don't have to. This matter has nothing to do with you. It's my fault. You always do this. Always like to fight alone. No matter when you're ill, or at work. Can't you just believe others for one time. Believe you? Of course. If you believe me. As long as I meet Mr. Filner, I promise I can make him behave well. Fine. I'll believe you. Mr. Fang. Mr. Filner will have dinner here. Tomorrow morning, he'll fly to Paris. No time to wait, I'll go to catch him. Wait. Didn't you hear a saying? Even you can make him stay, you can't keep his heart. Relationship can be cultivated later, but you should first let him stay. What's more, I looked into it. This restaurant is very secretive. Especially during the meal time, anyone can't enter the private rooms. Today, we may be unable to see Mr. Filner. It doesn't matter. I have an idea. This way, please. Are you sure Mr. Filner is in that room? Mr. Han won't be wrong. After I count to three, we enter the room together. One... Two... Three... Go, quickly. What? Go into the room quickly. We have no time. Be quick. Quickly! Ok. Come in, please. Where did they go? Who are you? Sorry to interrupt you. I've made an appointment with you. Who admit you to be here? So rude of you two. Please go out right now. Waiter. I think the rude one is you. You promised to meet this sir before. But you didn't keep your promise. Now he is looking for you again in good faith. Is this the way you treat your guest? Who are you? I'm a friend of Mr. Fang. Even if you want to kick us out, please give him the chance to talk to you. Or I'll badger with you all the time. Mr. Fang. I'm sorry for not keeping the appointment. But, this exhibition, you should forgive me for I'll not attend it. You misunderstand me, Mr. Filner. I came here today not to persuade you to attend the exhibition. I just come here to say goodbye to you. What are you doing? We talked before. Why it suddenly becomes farewell? Didn't you tell me? Though we can't keep his heart, it's not bad if we can let him stay. Mr. Filner, Though our cooperation relationship has broke up. We are still friends. Now you're leaving. As the host, I came to give you farewell. Isn't it normal? Mr. Fang. It's very kind of you. I broke the contract. We won't talk about work. Only make farewell for you. Mr. Fang, you're a nice person. Please. What on earth are you doing? Can you hold your liquor? I can drink... just like a cosmic black hole. I'll never got drank. Help me get him drunk. Come on. Mr. Filner. One more drink. What's wrong? Damn it. Once I drink, the electromagnetic field inside my body is messed up again. Keep stay. Mr. Filner. I want to know the reason you refuse to attend the exhibition. What's that? You're very sincere. And you have long view. But something can not be forced. You mean... The exhibition is not Fang Lie's will, right? Not exactly. I've been always thought you're a person who respects artists. However, if you just treat artists as tools within your control. That's not what I want. If I treat him as my tool. I'll have some purposes. Do you think that is there anything I don't have? Though art can be the tool to make money, Chinese art market do has huge risk. If I invest in this way, the money I earn will be less than I pay. If I just do it for fame. I could totally hold a charity, Why should I pay so much efforts on my brother? I don't know what you hear, or you may misunderstand something. What I want to say is I hold this exhibition is totally for my younger brother. I hope I can make his dream come true. Sounds resonable. But I will leave here tomorrow. My schedule can not be changed. Maybe we can cooperate next time. That's great. See you tomorrow. Finally, finished. He'll certainlly have a good sleep till tomorrow morning. Right? Yeah. What's wrong with you? Are you ok? You little liar. You say you're the universe black hole. But you're not as good as me. I, Fang Leng , I'm the best on the earth. Yes. I am the best. Okay. Taxi. I'm the best. Okay, you're the best. Taxi. Whoops. You're so heavy. Have a rest. Please don't leave me. please look at me. Mom, please look at me for the last time. It's just a nightmare. Fang Leng. Fang Leng. Fang Leng. Though I don't know what happened to you. But it's ok. I'll always be with you. Are you all right? Last night... Nothing happened between us, right? Mr. Fang. What did you say? Why are you here? You vomited on yourself last night. Xiaoqi asked me to help clean it. And... I've just showered you. Where is Xiaoqi? She... Breakfast's ready. Come and have breakfast. Morning. Morning. It's time for breakfast. You see. These are Chinese breakfast. Those are western breakfast. Please sit down and eat them. You made them all by yourself? You bet. I am a delivery faerie. All of these were all taken out by myself one box and one box. I am virtuous, right? After the sleep. Do you feel better now? Why you still look so bad? What's wrong? Let me have a look. Why are you so reserved? Why do you think I'm reserved? Do you have any idea? Staying at a drunken man's house for one night is very dangerous. What? Is it dangerous? You... Well, Mr. Fang. What if get to know a good news. Say it. I just received the news. Mr. Filner changed his schedule. He booked the ticket two days later. Really? That's great. Now, it all depends on Fang Lie. He can certainly do it. I feel so happy. Don't make so much noise. I haven't finished yet. For talented Fang Lie, Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi. Why do you come out? If I don't come out. My girl will run away. Thank you. Don't be so polite. Let me take you to a good place. Where? I'm so excited. Could I really be the first one to see it? Of course. Where is it? I'm kidding you. I haven't finished yet. Fang Lie. People always say Jiang Lang's talent is limited. But I didn't think of before I became Jiang lang. my talent is going to the end. You're wrong. The first time I met you, you're singing on the stage. You're so charming just like a prince. That's all because of the spotlights. It's for little girls like you. I don't care. I don't care at all. I'll always believe you all the time. You believe me? It will be better to believe my brother. Unless he quietly encouraged me, I really can't keep going. Your brother is just your brother. You are you. You two can't be compared. Actually, all of my days. There is nothing I really want to do. Painting is just my hobby. I just casually said to him, I want to have a exhibition. I totally forgot after saying it. But I never thought he will take it so seriously. Actually, Long time ago, I wanted to tell him that I am a good for nothing. After all is their efforts, to raise me to this position. Just like what you see when I'm on the stage. Being exposed under the spotlights only makes you look better. Actually, Everyone is a good for nothing. Just like when someone wants to care about you, to help you, to appreciate you. You'll do the same things for them. To help them, to be nice to them. At this time, Even a good for nothing can give out his light. What's more, If you insist to say you're a good for nothing. You're also the most handsome good for nothing on this planet. The most handsome, good-looking rubbish. You're good at comforting people. I know. What do you know? I know what I am going to draw. Thank you. Next time you come here, you'll not only see a whiteboard. Let's go. Really? This is the end of the meeting. Let's get busy. Is there anything I didn't make it clear? There's something unclear between us. Here you come. I heard Mr. Filner temporarily stay here. The exhibition can keep going. If you didn't express your thank to me on time. I'm going to add some interest. Of course I'll. Do you have time after work? It can be. I'll treat you the dinner. Later I'll go to pick you. Ok. See you later. See you. Mr. Fang Mr. Han. There will be a private appreciation dinner. Help me arrange it. The requirement of the restaurant is... I have an international video meeting tonight. So choose a close one. Why here? It satisfies all your requirements. Isn't that Mr. Fang's car? Mr. Fang's car? Xiaoqi. Come out to meet him. Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi. Who do you want me to meet? Stand properly. You are such a young and pretty girl. Why don't you dress up yourself? Don't you have any competition consciousness? Am I not looking good? Or should I dress up myself like a fairy? Fairy! This is the restaurant you protected last time and its delivery clerk. Yes. Where are our seats? Everywhere is ok. Please come with me. I prepared couple seats for you. This way, please. Here, please. Very nice. Yes. It's so great. Order something. You go first. I'm not picky about food. Lady first. I like everything you order. I don't know what you like. I like what you like. let's make it easy. Our shop already prepared couple set meal for you. I'm sure you'll like it. Forget about it. In our shop, I never saw someone was as beautiful as this lady. As shop assistant manager, I sincerely hope you can take a photo together after meal. To make a sounding for our restaurant. What do you think of? Okay. We'll have that couple set meal. Wait a minute. She's so great. I support you. Xiaoqi. What? My little girl. Do you have any problem with your brain? How can you take them to such a romantic seat? Don't you think only that great seat deserves such a beauty? I get to know that if a person is exactly stupid. Even the cooked duck can fly away. Duck? Do we have duck soup on today's menu? Where is my blood pressure medication? I don't want to talk to you. Go on your business. Oh, right. In order to thank you for picking me up, I have a small gift for you. This is... It's my favourite milktea. Try it. Maybe you'
